Thank You, Dad

If you watched any of the Olympics the last few weeks you likely saw an inspiring commercial from P&G called “Thank You, Mom.” I love the premise behind the commercial but I cringe at the conclusion. The premise is that behind all of the success we watch at the Olympics are the hero moms. I realize this is likely true the majority of the time. And I’m grateful for all of those moms. But the obvious issue is that we need more dads to fill this role. Moms shouldn’t be carrying the responsibility by themselves. It saddens me to think of how these types of videos add to the already deep perception of deadbeat, nonexistent dads. It’s time we offered encouragement to the dads out there to step up and play their part. So if you had a dad who was present, who gave you encouragement, who helped you become the person you are today… I encourage you to tell him thanks. You were one of the rare blessed ones. I know that I was in this category and I’ve never lost sight of how much my dad challenged me to become the person I am today. Thank you dad! And if you see a young dad standing in the gap and changing the perception, stop and give them a moment of encouragement. The best thing we can do for moms is to give them healthy dads to partner with. If we want to change the conclusions of these future videos we need to be intentional to encourage those who are breaking the mold.

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Jeremy Jernigan

Speaker | Author | Founder of Communion Wine Co.