Small Beginnings
Like I mentioned not too long ago in a post about the importance of little things done daily, I’m always amazed at how little things add up. The problem for most of us is that we only have the motivation for the bigger picture. Like many people this time of year I recently reseeded my lawn with winter grass. Whenever I do this I always have an intense feeling of impatience when I’m done. It feels like it will take forever for that new grass to grow. I look at it the next day and nothing. The following day, nothing. This year I even took a sort of time-lapse series of pictures every few days.
None of these photos have any filters on them. The dramatic difference in color is the joy of the new winter lawn.
Albert Einstein is attributed with saying, “The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest.†By it, I think he is referencing how little things focused together can turn into big things. Or as we learn in the case of Zechariah, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…” (Zechariah 4:10). The problem is keeping the end picture in mind when cultivating the first picture. I have to mentally picture green grass when I’m repeatedly watering my brown lawn covered in mulch.
I encourage you to think through something you have going on right now. You may be at the beginning stages of planting the seeds. How can you stay focused on it and ensure you end up with a dramatic result? What small beginnings can you commit to today?
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