Jeremy Jernigan Posts

100 Ways To Save Money

I know that the economy is causing all of us to tighten up our finances and rethink how we spend our money. If you are like me, you are constantly processing through your spending and looking to see if there are ways to get ahead (or just get through, depending on how you look at it). Click here for a list of 100 ideas of ways to save money. Any of these resonate with you?

OTR – Zach Lind

Zach Lind is the drummer for the band Jimmy Eat World. He keeps up a great blog called Finding Rhythm and is constantly striving for new and relevant ways to live out his faith. He has challenged me to think bigger on a number of different of issues and how they relate to our faith.

Jeremy: Tell us something odd/unique about you.


Our first Kiva loan

I’ve known about Kiva for awhile now and Michelle and I made our first loan today. Kiva is an organization that allows you to donate money through loans to entrepreneurs in underdeveloped countries. It is a pretty rad idea that is using technology to truly create a new kind of community. I would strongly encourage you to check it out for yourself. We just made a loan to help a woman named Estela with her business. Click here to see Michelle and my lending page.

***UPDATE*** If you are going to sign up and make a loan then please join the group, Kiva Christians, before you make the loan so that the group gets credit for what you do. Thanks!

Blogging for the New Year

I know that many people will be enacting their own New Year’s Resolutions starting today. If being a better blogger makes it on any of your lists, then here is a great site to give you ideas to improve your blog.

Reading List of 2008

As 2008 comes to a close, here is a look at the different books I have read this year.


Audio Bible

51mi23llcml_ss500_I recently got the TNIV Audio Bible and I have been listening to it in my car the last few days. And I have to say, I really like it. I like hearing other people read it and hearing how they stress different words and ideas. As a result, a lot of new things have been sticking out to me that never did before. I don’t recommend getting this to replace reading the Bible for yourself, but if you are looking to spice it up a bit or if you spend a lot of time in your car, then this should be something you look at.

I did a quick bit of study and saw that the downloadable iTunes versions received horrible reviews as they aren’t organized by chapter. The version I got is from Amazon and it comes with 6 MP3 CDs (and each track is a different chapter). So far I really enjoy it.

On a side note, I’m more confused with the book of Hebrews than I’ve ever been before!