OTR – Ben Arment
Ben Arment is a guy who may say things that you’ve heard before. The difference is that he is actually doing what he says.
Ben has gotten to a point where “you can replace your salary with alternative sources of revenue so that you don’t have to live in a cubicle and get your best ideas shot down by unimaginative people with no tolerance of risk.” (cited from his blog) He has launched innovative projects like Dream Year, where he empowers 24 people to achieve a big goal in a year. He’s the founder of the Story conference in Chicago, and he wrote a book called Church in the Making.
Ben is a super creative guy that is redefining what it looks like to actually make creativity happen.
Jeremy: Tell us something odd/unique about you.
Ben: I was a White House intern with Monica Lewinsky in 1995
Jeremy: Most of what you do is dependent on your creativity. How does your faith affect the creative process for you?
Ben: The only great storylines are ones that reflect the Gospel. Read any book on screenwriting, and you’ll see that the science of creativity supports this.
Jeremy: Do you think people are born leaders or develop into leaders?
Ben: I think people are born with a leadership gift. In ministry circles, we sling that word around fast and loose, but the truth is, if you look around and no one is following you, you’re not a leader.
Jeremy: How can people put themselves into a position to influence culture?
Ben: By being true to the vision God has given them. Most visions are inauthentic and don’t influence anyone.
Jeremy: Why are you a follower of Jesus Christ?
Ben: Because I am without hope in this life or the next without him.
Jeremy: What do you do personally to fuel your spiritual life?
Ben: I spend as much time with Jesus as I possibly can.
Jeremy: What is your hope for the future of the Church in America?
Ben: I hope we return to the priesthood of believers. Professional ministry is killing us.
Jeremy: Should we abandon the use of the word “Christian” for a better term? If so, what?
Ben: I don’t think the term is the problem. It’s the people who use it.
Jeremy: What blogs/websites do you regularly check?
Ben: Seth Godin, Mark Batterson, and I keep checking Malcolm Gladwell’s site, hoping he’ll write something
Jeremy: Which books have shaped your thinking?
Ben: The E-Myth, The War of Art, The Four Hour Work Week, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire
Jeremy: What music moves you?
Ben: Imogen Heap, All the Bright Lights, Brooke Fraser for now
Click here for more Off the Record interviews.

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