My wife and I live in an area that doesn’t have much for fine dining near us. Other than a good sushi place there isn’t much that we frequent around us. So we were a bit surprised when one of our friends recommended Salerno’s Pizzeria that is very close to us. We’ve driven by it numerous times. And each time I think that it isn’t a place I’d like. The location looks obscure and having the word “pizzeria” makes me think of some casual lunch place. But we decided to trust our friends and give it a shot.
Immediately I was a bit shocked when we arrived and had a 20 minute wait. This is a place in a strip mall that doesn’t appear to be a big attraction. But the food was unbelievable! As we were savoring each dish we noticed how much the other customers were raving about the experience and how much the employees seemed to enjoy their jobs.
But the kicker was meeting Debbie.
I figured she was a dining room manager or something as she was going around and talking with the tables and asking about their experiences. She got to our table and when she heard it was our first time she began to well up with excitement as she told us the different things that we had to try on the menu. While that may not sound weird, we eventually learned that she works full time for the Mesa Police Department and volunteers her time occasionally at the restaurant… in exchange for food!
I couldn’t help but feel like we were experiencing one of the best kept secrets. And I immediately felt parallels to what the Church should be. We should be the place that people rave about. Where they can’t wait to tell about their experiences. Where they want to include others. Where they gladly give of their time and energy just to be a part of it.
Let’s not let Church become dull. Let’s remember that God created it and loves it. And when we truly experience it at its core it is something beyond comparison.
Oh, and you really need to try
Salerno’s Pizzeria.
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