Creative Matters
I realize that I’m biased on this since I was able to write a chapter for it, but I am really proud of how the Creative Matters eBook turned out. It is a free eBook written by a handful of people in creative roles in the Church today and all of us sharing a few of our insights into creativity. Rarely do I come across a book on creativity that actually gives the reader practical advice to follow through on.
I had my team read this and it has created a lot of great conversation for us. Click here and you can download and read it for free!
Here are a few of the quotes to whet your whistle…
“Creativity and safety are incompatible.” Cole Nesmith “[Churches] get caught in exploiting rather than exploring the creative calling.” CJ Alvarado “Creativity requires discipline; it’s a muscle that must be worked and stretched to prevent atrophy.” Amena Brown “Scratch where you don’t itch. Capture and catalog whatever comes. Make it part of your weekly routine and stick to it.” Blaine Hogan “Our ideas are just ideas. When you unwind that in your own soul, you will grow, and your art will be better.” Lisa Gungor “I believe that our level of God-honoring creativity lies in direct proporiton to the amount of time we’re spending with Him.” Tim Schraeder “God’s signature is creativity. All we need to rely on in our creative pursuits is Him.” Tim Schraeder
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