Love the Other
I started to ask Google a “why” question when the above options auto-filled for me. The sheer diversity and randomness of the suggestions caused me pause a moment. They range between marriage, Kanye West, and dog feces. There are many “why” questions we ask each day, and these suggestions are but the tip of the iceberg.
I’m not sure what burning “why” question you’re asking in life right now, but most of mine revolve around the ways I’m continually shocked how we treat one another. From politicians sarcastically running for President to people in perpetual war in the Middle East to people stealing from garages in my neighborhood. Why do we do these things to one another?
A few weeks ago I spent time at the National Prayer Breakfast in DC (see: Standing on Sacred Carpet). There were many ideas I wrote down in my notebook that week, but one phrase in particular keeps running through my head. Love the other.
It’s such a simple idea, and I honestly can’t remember if someone said it or if it was my way of summarizing many of the ideas I heard that week. But I love the simplicity and power of the phrase. Love the other. Those who are different than us, who we don’t understand, who represent something we don’t like, or who don’t fit into our group.
How many of the “why” questions wouldn’t exist if we would love the other?
Who’s life story would radically change if we would love the other?
How many people would cease to be our “enemies” if we would love the other?
What would it cost us personally if we would love the other?
How many marriages would never end in divorce if we would love the other?
What amazing doors would God open for us if we would love the other?
How many people would change their view of God if we would love the other?
What amazing adventure would we experience if we would love the other?
It’s easy to love people like us, but what would happen if we would love the other?
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