Top 20 Quotes from Purpose Driven Church (2016)
This is part of a series of posts on 20 quotes. Click here to see others.

- Never confuse prominence with significance.
- You lie to yourself more than you lie to anyone else in your life.
- “I like you but I can’t stand your wife.” The equivalent to saying “I like Jesus but not the Church.”
- A Christian without a church is an orphan.
- Don’t ask God to use you greatly unless you’re willing to hurt greatly.
- Always being in the spotlight blinds you.
- It’s not a sin to be sick.
- In God’s garden of grace even broken trees bear fruit.
- Share your hope, not your faith. Not just what you believe but what it’s done for you.
- It’s wise to learn from experience. It’s wiser to learn it from others.
- What other people think of you is none of your business.
- Both hope and hopelessness are caused by what I see and what I choose to look at.
- Divert daily, withdraw weekly, and abandon annually.
- If you work with your mind you relax your hands. If you work with your hands you relax your mind.
- At every level (of growth) you get a new devil.
- Christian maturity is inhabitation, not imitation.
- Methods are many. Principles are few.
- Appeal to the best in people.
- Energy management is more important than time management. We are all equal in the amount of time we have but we are not equal in the amount of energy we have.
- Education is alienation. You’ll never be the same after you learn something new.
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