Today Michelle and I went down to the famous Pike’s Place Market. There I saw the second-most overrated tourist trap in my life: the flying fish market. What was first? When I was in high school we visited the east coast and I saw the historical
Plymouth Rock. I feel like I need to warn everyone not to expect much from this if you haven’t seen this before. It is seriously one little shop and they don’t even throw fish that often. It is just a bunch of tourists standing around with cameras waiting for someone to actually order a fish. Awesome.

We then walked down to see the first Starbucks ever. What was funny about it is that it didn’t actually look like a Starbucks inside. Ironic. We bought a piece of art off of a street vendor of the storefront design. I’ve included my picture of it and a picture of our art so you can compare yourself and see how secretly artistic I am with my camera-work…

As we were walking around we saw a group of nude cyclists riding down the street together. You don’t see that in AZ everyday. Entertaining to say the least.

As I post this latest update, I am currently playing Mozart for my son (Michelle is holding headphones to her stomach). This is his first official music-listening experience. He isn’t ready for my favorite music yet, but I think he can handle a little Mozart.
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