When a Sermon Goes Off Script

This weekend my dad talked about great stories and decided to reference Star Wars. He wanted to actually have a lightsaber on stage for it so we got him a really nice one. The kind of saber that turns any male who touches it into a ten-year-old. You may not know this, but we actually rehearse and record a version of the message on Wednesday mornings. It was during this time an idea emerged. After he does his creative element on stage, what if we did our own? That’s when we unleashed the creative flow and Darth Jeremy was born. The video above shows us hijacking his sermon and catching him more than a bit off-guard. His laugh makes the whole thing worth it. Who said church can’t be fun? *NOTE: if you watch the video on your phone you may not hear audio. Try watching it on a computer to ensure you hear the sound.

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Jeremy Jernigan

Speaker | Author | Founder of Communion Wine Co. https://linktr.ee/JeremyJernigan