A Chilling Irony

Click here to read the article. Here is my favorite quotes from it: “‘Of all the books to recall,’ said Charles Slater, an executive with a sheet-music retailer in Philadelphia, who bought the digital edition of ‘1984’ for 99 cents last month. ‘I never imagined that Amazon actually had the right, the authority or even the ability to delete something that I had already purchased.'”
Apparently most Kindle users didn’t even realize Amazon had the ability to do this. It seems that they’ve designed their very own system of “memory holes.” Makes me glad I haven’t jumped on the Kindle bandwagon yet. It would be like me going to my bookshelf to reference one of my books and it has mysteriously vanished. I’d be a little ticked.
I’d love to hear your feedback on this. What do you think of Amazon’s ability to delete books? Are we on track to 1984 or is this blown out of proportion? Would this hinder your desire to buy a kindle, or does this not bother you at all?
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