One of my traditions each year has been to switch Bible versions that I’m reading through. This allows it to stay fresh and keeps me from getting locked into one version. For 2010 I read through the NRSV (New Revised Standard Version) and for 2011 I’m going to read through the TNIV (Today’s New International Version). I’d recommend you consider adopting this habit as well.
In addition, I’m going to start another yearly habit of switching up my Bible reading plans. For 2010 I did the Route 66 plan with all of Central. After much consideration and research I have found a new one for 2011. I am very excited to go through the
Chronological reading plan. It is the Bible in a year, but not in the order it appears. They put it into the order they think fits best as it happened chronologically.
In case you are totally confused right now, here is a preview of what the first 5 days look like:
- Genesis 1-3
- Genesis 4-7
- Genesis 8-11
- Job 1-5
- Job 6-9
I’m excited to see what insights come from reading it this way and I invite you to read along with me. Click the link below to download a PDF schedule of the reading plan. You can also use
YouVersion to sign up and go through this plan through the year.
Chronological Bible Reading Plan
What reading plan are you doing?
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