A Weekend with Greg Boyd

Jeremy Jernigan, Greg Boyd, Paul Eddy

Paul Eddy on the left and Greg Boyd on the right

This weekend was a special one for me. After reading books like God of the Possible and Myth of a Christian Nation, I have become a big fan of Greg Boyd and very appreciative of his impact for the Kingdom. Michelle and I were able to come to Minnesota this weekend and see Woodland Hills church for ourselves. Our GPS led us through an interesting route through a neighborhood but we eventually found it. Stylistically, Woodland Hills is very different from Central but the community of believers allowed us to feel right at home. We attended the first service and then had the chance to sit down with Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy. Greg is the senior pastor of Woodland Hills and Paul is the Teaching Pastor. These two guys are incredibly down to earth and our time was filled with laughter and some seriously deep discussion. It was fun to share with Greg some of my favorite parts of his books (which most of my friends tune out when I start talking about) until he added in some other things that went totally over my head. These guys are seriously brilliant and it is a workout just to try to keep up intellectually. I learned illustrations about onions and hexagons and many other things that will take me awhile to research just to understand what was mentioned in our conversation. Woodland Hills - Greg Boyd Beyond their intellect is their incredible hearts for people and for ministry. I had reached out to another well-known church (who will remain nameless) when I was originally planning a weekend to visit a church and was told that not a single person from their staff could make time for us if we flew out there. Greg and Paul couldn’t have been more different from them. And what you don’t fully appreciate from the picture above is that Paul was wearing shorts. Michelle and I packed our jackets and long sleeves for this trip and they were commenting on how we’d brought the heat from Arizona with us! To find out more about Greg check out ReKnew.org

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Jeremy Jernigan

Speaker | Author | Founder of Communion Wine Co. https://linktr.ee/JeremyJernigan