I am proud to announce the newest member of the Jernigan family: Madsen Jeter! He was born at 5:27pm on Thursday, May 6th. He weighed in at 7 pounds and 13 ounces (for comparison, Gavin was 9 lbs 8 oz!)
It’s been a bit of a roller coaster experience. We were scheduled to go in at 5am in the morning, then they called us last night and told us that we wouldn’t be in till more like 5pm in the afternoon, then got a phone call just after 7am today telling us they had a room ready. So turns out we were able to get a good night sleep and then head over to the hospital. God took care of us.
Delivery went fantastic and both Mom and Madsen are doing terrific. Thanks for all your prayers!
Here are some pictures of the experience so far (starting with last night with Gavin). Click on any of them to zoom in.

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