Men’s Challenge 2010
This last weekend was Central’s annual Men’s Challenge up in Williams Arizona. It is a great opportunity for hundreds of guys to get away from the day-to-day responsibilities and have a chance to renew focus and perspective. I had an especially fun time this year as I rode with six other guys in a Tahoe up to Williams. Cozy for sure, but it was a terrific experience for community and bro time.
One of the great things about the Challenge is that there is plenty of free time for guys to connect together without a restrictive schedule. Click the link below to watch a video of part of what we did during free time on Saturday afternoon, and I think this could easily be next year’s promo video. If it asks you what program to run it with use iTunes.
Shooting exploding target
If you haven’t been to this yet, make sure you mark your calendars to join us next year!
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