
I recently finished the book Problogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income by Darren Rowse ( and Chris Garrett ( These two guys are studs in the blogging world and have earned the credibility to teach others the craft. I’m not exactly sure what I was expecting (an entire book on blogging?) but I was mostly pleased by it. It covered much more of the basics than I’d expected and didn’t really get into as much of the hands-on side of stuff. They did help me to think through some of the philosophy of how my site is built though. I’m asked a lot about blogging from others now, so if you have a blog of your own or are considering it then I think it would be a helpful read for you. I definitely walked away with a more solid grasp of the subject. One of the obvious ingredients needed for blogging that they state is:
“For a blog to be successful, your content needs to be useful and unique to your readers.”
Obvious, sure. But that really is the litmus test when decided whether or not someone else will invest their time in what you write regularly. I’ve learned a lot in the few years that I’ve been doing it. You don’t need to expect to make six figures from blogging but you do need to be confident that you can get people to read your stuff. They also shed some light into the culture of blogging that most bloggers (myself included) are naive to.
“Don’t get too down if people don’t comment on your blog with great frequency. Even the most popular blogs tend to attract only about a one percent commenting rate on them!” “Jakob Nielsen’s usability study found that 90 percent of online-community users are lurkers (read or observe without contributing), with only 9 percent of users contributing “a little” and 1 percent actively contributing.” “You might expect English to dominate blogging overall, but in terms of volume, Japanese takes the top spot with 37 percent, and English is second with 36 percent. When it comes to the Top 100, though, 80 percent are written in English.”
  Problogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a… by WileyIndyGraphics

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Jeremy Jernigan

Speaker | Author | Founder of Communion Wine Co.