Pixelated Posts

This Website Has Moved!

This Website Has Moved!

After seventeen years of trying, I finally have the chance to use JeremyJernigan.com as my main website! I’ve also completely rebuilt the entire website from the ground up. I can’t wait for you to see it!

I’m committing to making more content this year—especially video—and my new website format will allow me to do all sorts of new things moving forward.

So please go check out JeremyJernigan.com and see for yourself!

Click here to read the first new blog post and watch the video.

Big News Coming Soon!

Have you ever tried to make something happen for years and years and then you essentially give up on it but you don’t actually give up on it cause you really want it but you emotionally give up on it because that helps you deal with the disappointment of not getting it?

Phew… just me?

Let’s just say I’ve tried to make something happen for more than seventeen years now. That’s older than any of my five kids. And it finally happened.


The Book of Hebrews

We’ve wrapped up our podcast The Forest and the Trees going through each chapter of the book of Hebrews. The podcast is a chance for me and a friend of mine who no longer believes in Christianity to read and discuss the nuances of Christianity and the text of each week.

In case you wanted to save this post for future reference, here is a link to all the episodes in one place. Click on any of them to go to that episode. If you use our podcast to aid you or your group in studying the book we’d love to hear about your experience.


It Takes a Few Heretics

Ignaz Semmelweis

As I get older I seem to be more and more aware of the numerous ways in which the world doesn’t often work as it should. This is why many people want to believe in things like Karma, as it gives some sense of justice eventually (even if we never see it).

I don’t believe in Karma, and I don’t think things always balance out as they should, at least on this side of Heaven. I recently finished Cody Cassiday’s book called Who Ate the First Oyster? It’s about numerous people throughout history who were the first to try something. His retelling of the story of soap stood out to me in particular.

Holiday Music for 2022

Holiday Music for 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is the day all you latecomers finally start thinking about listening to holiday music. I’ve been waiting for you for a while now.

So here is your yearly reminder I take great pride in offering you the sounds of the season. First up, a Thanksgiving playlist. Yes, you read that right. You didn’t know such a thing existed? It doesn’t really, so I’ve made my own. Admittedly, there isn’t as much to choose from here and some of you may want to skip on down to my next playlist.

Hunting Magic Eels

Hunting Magic Eels

I recently finished reading Richard Beck’s latest book, Hunting Magic Eels. It was a fantastic read and a book I’d recommend to anyone. The subtitle explains his premise well: “Recovering an Enchanted Faith in a Skeptical Age.”

I was initially drawn to this book as this topic seems to be an underlying premise of so many of our conversations on the Forest and Trees podcast (see: podcast page). In addition, I still think about things Beck wrote in his book Unclean many years after I read that one. Beck writes deeply about the Christian experience from the perspective of psychology (he’s a professor).

One of the themes throughout the book is that we need to be mindful of what gets our attention. And if we want to experience more of God, we need to find ways to aim our attention in that direction.
