OTR – Wayne Cordeiro
I was first exposed to Wayne Cordeiro when he spoke at the Global Leadership Summit years ago. He gave an incredible talk on how to keep yourself from getting burned out and I still think of some of his examples today. Wayne is the founding pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship in Hawaii and they have around 15,000 people attend on the weekend. He is the author of a handful of books including The Divine Mentor and Leading on Empty in addition to being the president of New Hope Christian College.
Jeremy: Tell us something odd/unique about you.
Wayne: I ride Harley Davidson motorcycles and train horses. I also paddle canoes competitively in ocean races from one island to the other.Jeremy: What’s something about living in Hawaii that most people don’t know?
Wayne: Hawaii is very expensive: 2.5 million for an acre of bare land. Hawaii’s flag was patterned after England’s rather than the USA. Hawaii was going to become a British state rather than US.Jeremy: Do you think people are born leaders or develop into leaders?
Wayne: Both. Like athletes. Some are natural and some are trained. The best are those who are natural leaders who have the humility to be trained.Jeremy: How can people put themselves into a position to influence culture?
Wayne: The culture they are in must first trust and love them, so building solid relationships first, then winning the right to be heard second. Third, is success. You must build your skill. If you are loving but not very competent, you will be liked but not very influentialJeremy: Why are you a follower of Jesus Christ?
Wayne: Had no choice. He transformed me and changed me from the inside out.Jeremy: What do you do personally to fuel your spiritual life?
Wayne: I have done daily devotions for over 20 years and keep a Life Journal. There has been no better discipline that has fueled, and saved, my life.Jeremy: What is your hope for the future of the Church in America?
Wayne: That we have developed leaders who think Biblically and are secure in Christ. Tomorrow’s Church will not suffer from a lack of leaders. We will suffer form an overabundance of underdeveloped leaders.Jeremy: Should we abandon the use of the word “Christian” for a better term? If so, what?
Wayne: No. Keep it but abandon unchristian attitudes and behaviors instead of changing the name.Jeremy: What blogs/websites do you regularly check?
Wayne: I don’t regularly check any certain onesJeremy: Which books have shaped your thinking?
Wayne: Bible (all 66 books), missionary biographiesJeremy: What music moves you?
Wayne: Light JazzJeremy: Any other thoughts or advice?
Wayne: Stay close to Jesus.Click here to see more Off the Record interviews.
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