What Have You Found?
In the video above you can watch my three-year-old daughter Adelyn tell me the story of the witch she recently saw at a store. I’m obviously a bit biased, but I think she’s adorable. It’s only a few minutes to watch it (and I’d encourage you to stop and do that before you read on), but the point is that she really wants me to go to the store and see this witch myself.
And so, a few days later I went to see the witch with Adelyn. Notice her face in this photo.
What stands out to me is that she’s obviously very happy, as her big smile indicates. But more interesting is that she’s staring at me, not at the witch. While you might think the witch is the point of all of this, her focus was actually on our relationship and in getting me to see this thing she found.
As often happens, I’m left reflecting on the actions of one of my kids. I’m left thinking about her childlike passion to share something she found with someone she loved. It serves as a reminder for us adults. What have you found that you’re dying to share? Here’s what I’ve learned through years of ministry and following after God: lives change when passionate people share what they’ve found with those they love.
This leaves us with a few questions:

- What have you found?
- Are you passionate about it?
- Who are you sharing it with?
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