Daniel Pt.1

The Book of DanielWe recently read through the book of Daniel in our Route 66 reading at Central and I really enjoyed it. For whatever reason, there were a handful of things that stood out to me about it as I read it through this time and so I’ll dedicate a few posts to my thoughts on it.
“To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.” Daniel 1:17
What strikes me about this passage is that God gives them gifts in areas that would be surprising to most of us. I’d expect the typical person to be caught off guard if they heard someone praying and asking God for understanding when it came to a current fictional book of literature that is popular. Or dreams… or learning in general. We’d likely think that person crazy or at least theologically adrift. This to me is another example of our tendency to try and limit God and expand our view of our own ability. God can speak to us however He wants and we might be able to hear more if we were looking in more places. I would love for this verse to be true in my life.

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Jeremy Jernigan

Speaker | Author | Founder of Communion Wine Co. https://linktr.ee/JeremyJernigan