I (Finally!) Started a Podcast
I’ve considered doing a podcast for years but none of the ideas I entertained ever caused me to pull the trigger. That is until my friend Jef recently pitched me an idea. He grew up in the church and has since decided he no longer believes it anymore and no longer considers himself a Christian. But he’s still intrigued by the faith he grew up with.
His premise was for us to start a podcast together to… wait for it… read the Bible. What would the conversation look like if a skeptic and a pastor read the Bible together? The answer is our new podcast: The Forest and the Trees.
We’ve recorded the first three episodes and I’m surprised how much I’m enjoying making them. Our aim is to release a new episode each week. We hope to model a healthy dialogue as we both learn from each other and talk through the nuances of Christianity. We are beginning the podcast by reading through the book of Hebrews in the New Testament.
If you’re even remotely interested, please check it out! Below are the different places you can find it.
- Click here for the link to the podcast page for all episodes.
- Click here for our Instagram where we post video clips
- Click here for our YouTube channel
- Click here for our Facebook page
- Click here for our TikTok page
Want to hear a skeptic and a pastor read the Bible together? Check out The Forest and the Trees. Share on X
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