I recently stumbled upon an amazing app for my iPhone. It is called
Lift and it’s shockingly simple. All it does is help you keep track of daily habits that you want to be more consistent with.
The images above are two screenshots from my phone. On the right, you see my current list of daily habits. On the left, you see a more detailed view of my progress with one of those habits (and some of the other people tracking the same habit for themselves).
Seriously, this thing is brilliant in its leverage of simplicity. You pick the things you want to do daily and it gives you a way to track how you are doing. According to their description, “Lift helps you overcome complacency by enabling you to declare your habit goals and see when you’re actually making progress on them.”
The success comes from being more deliberate in keeping track yourself, but also in the fact that your progress is public. This makes it an amazing accountability tool for a group to use. I’ve started using it for my direct reports. They pick their action items, but each week I print out a progress report of how they are doing. Any item that has less than four done for the previous week and they owe a dollar. It’s hilarious how much this has focused us all!
You can see how your friends or how complete strangers are doing as well. If you want to encourage them the app allows you to give them a “prop” for any particular habit that they checked. You can also see who gave you props and for what.
I’ve found that when I’m on top of the little habits in my day the bigger things seem to fit into place. Making sure that I’m doing my list of habits gives me a strong foundation for each day. I’ll probably add more of them as I continue to use it.
Here are some of the features the app provides (from their iTunes app page):
- Pursue an unlimited number of habits for free
- Easily check in to your habits with just one tap per day
- View weekly and monthly reports about your progress
- Include some notes to form a journal around your habits
- Support others who are pursuing the same habits by giving them props
- Connect your Twitter account to follow your friends’ habits
- Check out the most popular habits and join any that interest you
Click here to check out the app for yourself. What habits do you want to improve?
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