You Asked God for What?

Then the LORD said to Moses, “See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills— to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts. Exodus 31:1-5I read this recently in my Historical Bible reading plan and I love this passage for a number of reasons. First, it shows us how God provides for what He asks us to do. I forget this often. When I feel God’s leading in a certain direction or decision I usually begin by thinking how I could pull it off. The proper action is to seek God’s direction and see how He has already made it possible to happen. This shouldn’t create inaction or indecision. Rather, it should fuel us forward knowing that God has provided a way to pull off what He has asked of us. Second, it shows us that God’s Spirit works in ways that go far beyond the box we usually reserve for Him. Notice what God’s Spirit gives to Bezalel: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and “all kinds of skills.” It is this last phrase that stretches the theology for many people. God’s Spirit gives him abilities in very “nonspiritual” areas. I’ve noticed that Christians don’t often look for how God’s Spirit is moving OUTSIDE of the Church specifically. The reality is that He is at work everywhere and the people that are aware of this see more of Him. Whatever line of work you are in—God is there. Pastors aren’t better Christians than everyone else. Notice in the passage in Exodus 31 that God’s Spirit doesn’t turn Bezalel into a priest. He turns him into Bob the Builder on steroids (sorry for that comparison—it’s a side effect of blogging while hanging with your kids). If you heard a musician pray for God to give him artistic inspiration, or a writer asking for literary inspiration, it might sound odd to you. But it shouldn’t. The Bible shows us time and again that God’s Spirit can move in this way. This should change our expectations on God. It should change the way we pray for God to move each and every day. It should change where we look to see Him at work. While the Spirit of God was a rare gift in Moses’ day, it isn’t rare for us today. If you are a follower of Christ—YOU HAVE this SAME Spirit! The question isn’t if God is there in what you are doing. The question is rather: how should God’s Spirit affect how you do what you are doing?
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